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   “The art of losing oneself in the adoration of another.”

   W. Tozer: “True worship is to be so personally and hopelessly in love with God, that the idea of a transfer of affection never even remotely exists.”

   As I have been sitting with Jesus I have learned some things about worship recently and what worship means to me. 

   First I have started understanding that worship is a lifestyle, not an event, simply living in a constant state of worship knowing that every moment can be an act of service to God. I see this in Colossians 3:23 “Whatever you do, do it with all your heart, as working for the Lord and not for men.” All things can be worship if we dedicate it to the Lord and perform it with an awareness of His presence. So whether I am at work, in my car, at the grocery store, etc. I have started finding this heart posture which has given me the time to slow down, and not be in a rush, and has given me many opportunities to share Jesus with others in those moments. 

   For the Israelites, worshiping God meant obeying His commands. True godly worship is a lifestyle connected to service, not a single act confined to a building, event, or action. Deuteronomy 5:6, 6:13, and Luke 4:8 have given me much comfort in living this daily lifestyle.  And then within that, I have found we are made to worship, in Isaiah 43:21.  Psalm 86:11 we hear David’s cry out to God, and in the verse when it says ‘To Walk’ means to ‘live each day’, and is asking to be guided each day by divine truth, which has provided the ultimate purpose in the day to day. 

   I find it so captivating of God’s character, as the imperfect person I am, that sometimes I put down the pen to my scribe but I always find God still holding the paper and is waiting for me to continue worshiping Him!  I find that purely breaks down the walls of religion and builds a relationship with Him. Psalm 139:7-12, “Simply where can I go that your spirit is not near?” 

   Thank you so much for reading this though, I hope you found encouragement in this and I would like to leave you questioning how you can be worshiping God wherever you’re at, and with whatever you’re doing. 🙂 If you find yourself not being able to do that, do you think God might be trying to lead you somewhere else? is that somewhere God wants you to be? 


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